Tuesday, May 19, 2015

I love you ground turkey!

I almost always buy ground turkey instead of ground beef, and I have for years. 9 times out of 10, it is cheaper and that was my main reason for the switch. It isn't healthier for you unless you are supposed to cut out red meat, or  you buy the fat-free 100% ground turkey breast. If you buy the same fat content of beef (ie, 80/20) that you do turkey, you are getting a similar amount of fat, cholesterol, and protein.

In the past few months, I have had a few people (cashiers included) ask me what I do with ground turkey. This is where I lose them, because I say, the same things you do with ground beef. I get a blank stare here and feel the need to elaborate. People shouldn't ask questions if they don't want an answer. Just sayin.

Now I can tell you what I make with ground turkey. Here goes:
  • meatballs
  • meatloaf
  • tacos
  • skillet meals
  • burgers
  • any recipe that calls for ground beef can be substituted with ground turkey

Your family may whine and complain about making the switch. You may not like the idea. Then don't do it. It's just what I do. I am all about saving money and I can get ground turkey at my local discount club for $2.59/lb regular price. The regular price for a quality ground beef locally is at minimum $3.99/lb. If I catch a sale on beef, I stock up. I still love beef.

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